Throughput Accounting first saw the light of day 40 years ago. It was originally conceived to fit the manufacturing and industrial environments and is one of the numerous applications of the Theory of Constraints by Dr Eli Goldratt.
My classes – and my new book Seeing Money Clearly – are the first initiatives to put Knowledge Work front and center in the world of Throughput Accounting.
Throughput Accounting is also a continuous improvement model and can help you adapt quicker to the markets’ constantly evolving demands and help you in all forms of strategic innovations, process improvements, marketing, products and services transformations!
Classes for Agilists of all breed – See course highlights for more details
Throughput Accounting for Knowledge Work can help you leverage your existing operations and get
better at:
- Generating SLACK effortlessly;
Selecting the right projects and stop leaving money on the table.
- Understanding the 3 levers of capacity
- Get a better understanding of your constraints
- Differentiating between green and brown money
- Cutting the red tape in your PMO
- Budgeting properly
- Move from consensus decision making to unanimity decision making!
This class covers topics nowhere else to be found as I show Agile CoE to actually mint money.
- Understanding the 3 levers of capacity
- Get a better understanding of your constraints
- Differentiating between green and brown money
- Cutting the red tape in your PMO
- Budgeting properly
- Move from consensus decision making to unanimity decision making!
Classes for CPA, FP&A and CFOs – See course highlights for more details
Throughput Accounting was included in the AICPA syllabus in 2019. The AICPA is the biggest
Financial Accounting body in the world.
As a CPA or FP&A enthusiasts, we all have a duty to increase the value of the patrimony of our
clients, or as a CFO to augment the value of the firm.
Many reflexes that we are carrying in our daily practice in fact prevent us from maximizing
profits and this was picked up as early as 1916 when the first Financial Accounting Standards
emerged in the Railroad industry.
You can get rid of your cognitive biases by simply joining the one day class for accounting and
finance professionals.